Giving thanks!

I have enjoyed many different roles during the course of my career, but perhaps the most important and most consistent role has been serving as a teacher and mentor.

After a two-year graduate assistantship at The Juilliard School from 1977-79 (while pursuing my Master of Music degree in composition), I was hired to teach full-time at the Boston Conservatory for the 1979-80 academic year. That new opportunity required boarding a 2:00 AM train on Monday at New York’s Penn Station, arriving in Boston bright and early, teaching all day, and then taking a 10 PM train back to New York that arrived at 3:00 AM on Tuesday. Tuesday was taken up with my doctoral studies at Juilliard, and on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, I headed back to Boston for part two of my weekly travels. It was an absolutely wild schedule, but I loved every minute of it, and I really enjoyed working with my students. Clearly, teaching would be a major part of my life.

During the 1980-81 academic year, I joined the full-time faculty of The Juilliard School where I taught for six years before assuming a series of positions that would combine academic, artistic, and administrative roles with my love of teaching.

My life has been enriched by my students, and I am in their debt. Click here to explore My Students (1979 to the present).

AND . . .

Frequent visitors to this site will know that I have been steadily adding recordings of my music. The 2023 Thanksgiving edition includes one of my acousmatic works, Una donna, un uomo ed alcune pecore ( A woman, a man and some sheep). Click here to read the program notes and access the audio file.